Camping des 2 Rives // 2 170

At less than 500 kilometres from Calais, in the hart of Burgundy south-east of the Morvan, you find our beautiful campsite. A walk across the campsite is like a walk through a park. The terrain is hemmed in by the small rivers the Mesvrin (south) and the Arroux (west) and borders the little village Etang sur Arroux. This unique combination is the key to an enjoyable vacation. Once installed everything is within reach: walking, cycling, canoeing, angling, swimming, field-sports, jeu de boules and Burgundian eating. Everything without even starting the car!


Öffnungszeiten ganzes jahr
Größe 4 ha
There is a lot to do: walking or cycling starting from the campsite, or a three hour trip by canoe, after which we pick you up again. And what about a good glass of wine at a crackling campfire?


Land Frankreich
Region Burgund / Auverge
Adresse 26 Rue de Toulon
71190 Etang sur Arroux


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